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Välkommen till vårens Open Studios! Det blir en dag full av evenemang med samtal, uppträdanden, rosente, uppläsningar, dans, filmvisningar, poesi och en bar.
Residensstipendiaterna samtalar och reflekterar kring sina praktiker och intressen med inbjudna gäster; poeten och översättaren Marie Silkeberg, konstnären Andjeas Ejiksson, curatorerna Alba Baeza, Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu, Corina Oprea samt journalisten Katerina Zolotova. Samtalen kommer bl.a. at kretsa kring vardagens teater, poeten Inger Christensens arv och arkivfotografiska projekt i Belarus. Allt detta är förankrat i de konstnärliga praktikerna som tillfälligt delar samma tak på Maria Skolgata 83 i centrala Stockholm i vår – en unik koalition av konstnärer och forskare från Sverige, Chile, Portugal, Vitryssland och Hong Kong.
Open Studios Spring 2023 är organiserad av IASPIS Gästcurator Emily Fahlén
Grafisk design Thomas Bush
Kasra Alikhani (Sverige)
Paula Baeza Pailamilla (Chile)
Ingela Ihrman (Sverige)
Susanna Jablonski (Sverige)
Michael Leung (Hong Kong)
Agnes Mohlin (Sverige)
Tiago Patatas (Portugal)
Lesia Pcholka (Belarus)
Mikaela Steby Stenfalk (Sverige)
Tubo – Tobias Ulfvebrand & Hugo Therkelson (Sverige)
Se program nedan (på engelska)
IASPIS Open Studios Spring
Date: Wednesday 22 March 2023
Time: 1:00 – 9:00 pm
Place: IASPIS/Konstnärsnämnden
Address: Maria Skolgata 83, Stockholm
Language: English
Free admission, no reservation needed
Welcome to IASPIS Open Studios Spring 2023
It’s time for the IASPIS residency programmes in Stockholm to invite the public in for this spring’s Open Studios! It will be a day full of events, including performances, rose tea, readings, dance, film screenings, poetry and a bar. The residents are paired up in conversation with invited guests in order to reflect current interests of the artists. This includes, among many other subjects, the theatre of the everyday, poet Inger Christensen’s legacy and archival photographic projects in the context of Belarus. Guests are poet and translator Marie Silkeberg, artist Andjeas Ejiksson, curators Alba Baeza, Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu, Corina Oprea and journalist Katerina Zolotova. All this is anchored in the artistic practices that temporarily share the same roof at Maria Skolgata 83 in central Stockholm this spring – a unique coalition of residency holders from Sweden, Chile, Portugal, Belarus and Hong Kong.
Open Studios Spring 2023 is organised by IASPIS Guest Curator Emily Fahlén
Graphic Design Thomas Bush
The following artists, researchers and dancers will open the doors to their studios:
Kasra Alikhani (Sweden)
Paula Baeza Pailamilla (Chile)
Ingela Ihrman (Sweden)
Susanna Jablonski (Sweden)
Michael Leung (Hong Kong)
Agnes Mohlin (Sweden)
Tiago Patatas (Portugal)
Lesia Pcholka (Belarus)
Mikaela Steby Stenfalk (Sweden)
Tubo – Tobias Ulfvebrand & Hugo Therkelson (Sweden)
1pm Doors open.
1.20–1.30pm Welcome address by Mika Romanus, Director General, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee. (Foyer)
1.30–2pm Fiction and Rose Tea from Hong Kong – Collective reading with artist and researcher Michael Leung and others. (Studio 3)
2–2.30pm Oro – An ongoing search for choreographic and musical sequences. Performed by the performing arts duo Tubo – Tobias Ulfvebrand & Hugo Therkelson. (Dance Studio)
3–3.30pm How My Grandfather and I Split Abu Simbel (work in progress) – Artist Mikaela Steby Stenfalk in conversation with curator Alba Baeza. (Foyer)
4–4:30pm People of the Forest – On Archival Photography and the Visual History of Belarus – Artist Lesia Pcholka in conversation with journalist and translator Katerina Zolotova. (Studio 5)
5–5.30pm A Dramatised Uniformity – Artist Kasra Alikhani in conversation with artist and curator Andjeas Ejiksson. (Foyer)
5:30–6pm How to Elevate the Ground We Walk On – Artist Susanna Jablonski in conversation with curator Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu. (Foyer)
6–9pm Bar and Music.
6.30–7pm Identities (work in progress) 2023. Performance by Paula Baeza Pailamilla. (Studio 4)
7–7:40pm The Blossoming is Rooted in the Rotten/Blomningen har rot i allt det ruttna – A conversation about Inger Christensen’s poetry, sculpture and rootedness with artists Ingela Ihrman and Agnes Mohlin together with poet and translator Marie Silkeberg. (Studio 2)
7:45–8:15pm Developing an Anti-Colonial Exploration from a Mapuche Gaze – Artist Paula Baeza Pailamilla in conversation with curator Corina Oprea. (Studio 4)
The studios are open 1–9pm. The public programme schedule may be subject to change.