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Glitch in Photography är ett flerårigt forskningssamarbete mellan HDK-Valand och Hasselbladstiftelsen. Den 14-16 juni bjuder vi in till ett symposium och två workshops.
Välkommen till det tredje symposiet i vårt fleråriga forskningssamarbete om digitala fotografiska kulturer mellan Hasselblad Foundation och HDK-Valand, där vi utforskar visuella system runt omkring oss och möjligheten att utmana normativa logiker.
Under paraplytiteln Photography and the Glitch utforskar vi glitch som form, metafor och metodik inom fotografi med särskilt fokus på digitala, nätverksbaserade kulturer. Vårt mål är att definiera flera potentialer hos glitch som ifrågasättning av system för teknik, kunskap, klassificering och kontroll.
14 JUNI, 9.00-16.00
Glitch och fotografi III: Metamorfos och nya ekologier
Föredrag av: Louise Wolthers och Nina Mangalanayagam, Magne Friberg, Monica Alcazar-Duarte, Susanne Østby Sæther, Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert och Alexia Achilleos, Nicky Coutts, och Franziska Kunze.
Scrolla ner för mer information om presentationerna och talarna (på engelska).
15 JUNI, 9.30-16.00
The Archive of Unnamed Workers
(arkivet för icke namngivna arbetare)
DEL I: Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert: Fotografi, arkeologi och arkiv.
DEL II: Alexia Achilleos: Kartläggning av koloniala felsteg i AI.
16 JUNI, 9.00-15.00
Abundance is not excess
(Överflöd är inte överflöd)
Mònica Alcázar-Duarte: Hur kan naturliga mönster användas för att informera och utforma en algoritm som ett verktyg för förvaltning av naturresurser?
Scrolla ner för mer information om föreläsarna och workshopen (på engelska).
Anmäl dig till workshops genom denna länk:,
eller genom att maila Nanna: Vänligen uppge ditt namn, kontaktinformation och en kort redogörelse för varför workshopen intresserar dig.
Mer information om workshopen kommer att skickas ut till utvalda deltagare. Vi ber deltagarna att delta i båda workshops och engagera sig i förberedande läsning och praktiska aktiviteter under workshopen. Vi tänker oss en liten grupp som vill engagera sig i ämnena och vara aktiva deltagare.
Symposiet och workshops hålls på engelska.
Ett samarbete mellan Hasselbladstiftelsen, HDK-Valand och IASPIS, Konstnärsnämndens internationella program för bild och form.
Welcome to the third symposium of our multi-year research collaboration in digital photographic cultures between the Hasselblad Foundation and HDK-Valand. The project, Glitch in Photography, explores visual systems around us and the potentiality to disrupt normative logics.
Under the umbrella title Photography and the Glitch we explore glitch as form, metaphor, and methodology within photography with a specific focus on digital, networked cultures. Our aim is to define multiple potentials of the glitch as disruption to systems of technology, knowledge, classification, and control.
On 14-16 June we invite you to a symposium and two workshops.
14 JUNE, 9.00-16.00
Glitch and Photography III: Metamorphosis and New Ecologies
PUBLIC RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM (no sign-up required)
Talks by: Louise Wolthers and Nina Mangalanayagam, Magne Friberg, Monica Alcazar-Duarte, Susanne Østby Sæther, Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert and Alexia Achilleos, Nicky Coutts, and Franziska Kunze.
More information HERE.
15 JUNE, 9.30-16.00
The Archive of Unnamed Workers
Part I: Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert: Photography, Archaeology and Archives.
Part II: Alexia Achilleos: Mapping colonial glitches in AI.
The suggested hands-on workshop aims to engage participants with the concepts that surround the work Archive of Unnamed Workers (2022). The workshop is divided into 2 parts as outlined below. The first part explores real photographic archives and identifies colonial “framings” and gaps. It also discusses ways of de-colonizing archaeology related archives. The second part of the workshop builds upon the conversations and findings of the first part, allowing participants to experiment with various AI processes to map and deconstruct glitches within colonial-era photographic archives.
16 JUNE, 9.00-15.00
Abundance is not excess
Mònica Alcázar-Duarte: How can natural patterns be used to inform and design an algorithm as a tool for stewardship in natural resources?
In this workshop, Mónica Alcázar-Duarte introduces the concept of abundance as seen in indigenous cultures, and frames it in terms of data. During the day many different issues will be addressed, all with relation to naming, codifying and classifying nature. How can we develop an emotional language as an alternative for a language of resources towards Nature? Can there be an emotional nature and not a resourceful nature? How would an emotional code work? And is mathematics the language for this?
More information about the workshop will be sent out to selected participants. We ask participants to take part in both workshops and engage in preparatory reading and hands-on activities during the workshop. We envisage a small group who wants to engage in the topics and be active participants.
Sign up for the workshops through this link:, or by e-mailing Nanna: Please state your name, contact information and a short explanation why this workshop is of interest to you.
About the workshop organizers:
Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert is an artist/researcher. She is interested in the ontology and workings of everyday photography and archives, as well as the intersections of new technologies and photography. Theopisti is a member of the advising committee of the peer-reviewed journal “photographies”, the vice-chair of the “International Association of Photography and Theory”, a curator of the IAPT Photobook show (2016, 2018, 2021) and has received several international fellowships and awards. She has exhibited her work in a number of art exhibitions in Cyprus and abroad and she is passionate about photobooks. She is currently Associate Professor at the School of Fine and Applied Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology, and the group leader of Museum Lab at CYENS Centre of Excellence.
Alexia Achilleos is an artist, with a background in fine art, archaeology and cultural studies. She is currently a PhD Fellow at CYENS – Centre of Excellence, undertaking artistic research on colonialism and AI, as well as a Research Associate at the Media Art & Design Research Lab (MADLab) at Cyprus University of Technology. Alexia is interested in the social, cultural, and political issues that impact narrative and power dynamics. By investigating data and utilising machine learning processes, often in a historical context, she aims to re-examine such issues found within history and society, but also within AI technology itself, particularly challenging the idea of technology as universal and objective.
Mónica Alcázar-Duarte is a Mexican-British multi-disciplinary visual artist whose work acknowledges her indigenous heritage while exploring current ideals of progress. Migration, with the uneasiness that derives from it, and a need for equality, all play an important role in her work. Her projects are, at some level, acts of survival. A personal attempt to intervene with current practices of representation that grows into a need to engage with the public.
A collaboration between the Hasselblad Foundation, HDK-Valand and IASPIS, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee´s International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts.