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Kitchen Talk på IASPIS med expertbesök Silvia Franceschini, november 2021. Foto: IASPIS

The IASPIS expert visits are arranged to create meetings between Sweden-based artists and international actors such as curators, critics, writers or others with links to the field of visual and applied arts.

Here you find information about current expert visits, how to propose, apply or register an interest in meeting the visiting expert.

Portrait Mio Kojima

Mio Kojima

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portrait of Johanna Agenman Ross

Johanna Agenman Ross

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Portrait Sumitra Upham

Photo: Christa Holka Studio

Sumitra Upham

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Portrait of Eylül Şenses

Eylül Senses

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Tomoko Shinagawa

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Yukari Stenlund

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Koi Okamoto

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  • There are two types of expert visits. One is organised by IASPIS following external proposals. The other enables curators and others to apply for funding from IASPIS to arrange a visit themselves. The aim is to contribute to broadening and deepening the artists’ networks and contacts and promoting international job opportunities.

    IASPIS-organised expert visits are tailored by IASPIS in dialogue with the invited expert. Visits are organised around a programme that includes visits and meetings with Swedish-based artists and other professionals in the field of visual and applied arts. Visits and meetings are arranged in Stockholm and around Sweden. The expert visit lasts for a few days up to a week and often includes opportunities to participate in public events such as seminars and lectures. Visits are also organised with the other residencies in Gothenburg, Malmö and Umeå, with other parties and sometimes linked to meetings and public events such as fairs, biennials etc.

    Self-organised expert visits are a form of expert visit in which IASPIS provides financial support to foreign curators in the field of visual and applied arts who themselves wish to organise a visit to Sweden. In these cases, the experts apply to have the cost of their stay covered and they are responsible for organising meetings, studio visits and travel and accommodation during their visit. These grants are primarily aimed at curators who are already in contact with the Swedish art scene and who are planning a project that is intended to include Swedish-based artists. Applications can be submitted at any time throughout the year.

  • Proposals for expert visits can be submitted to IASPIS at any time. Remember to plan well in advance and, if possible, feel free to contact the expert beforehand.

    In English:
    Proposal international Expert Visit form

  • If you are a curator with your main activities outside Sweden, you can apply for a self-organised IASPIS expert visit. The application can be made at any time throughout the year. It should contain information that highlights the purpose and context of the visit, a proposed programme including meetings, existing contacts in Sweden and a timetable. The application can be made for a minimum of SEK 5,000 and a maximum of SEK 20,000. IASPIS reserves the right not to grant the full amount applied for. The length of the visit can vary between three and seven days, or longer if it includes visits to several places in Sweden.

    Application for Expert Visit IASPIS form

  • IASPIS-organised expert visits are decided on an ongoing basis by the IASPIS office once a month. When assessing the proposals, the activities of the proposed expert, the justification of the proposer and the context of the visit are all taken into account. Around twenty IASPIS-organised expert visits are organised annually.

    Self-organised expert visits are judged on the basis of the following criteria: the visit must include a number of meetings with practitioners and other professionals in the field of visual and/or applied arts; it should preferably be linked to a specific project, event, exhibition or similar; and it should promote the development of collaborations and contacts between Swedish-based practitioners and international colleagues and other actors.

  • If you would like to meet the visiting expert, you can register your interest here. The visits are organised based on the visitor’s interests and own preferences, but we try to accommodate other suggestions if possible. Register your interest by sending us an e-mail with a short presentation of yourself, an explanation of why this visit is interesting to you and, if possible, a link to your own website.

If you want to take part of or have other questions about expert visits, please contact