IASPIS Collaborative Projects
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- IASPIS Collaborative Projects
IASPIS international collaborative projects in Sweden aim to promote the development of new initiatives for international exchanges around Sweden.
The IASPIS international collaborative projects in Sweden are aimed at legal entities, such as associations and organisations, that want to promote international exchanges in the field of visual and applied arts in various ways. Collaborative projects can include, for example, residency activities and public events. Proposed project ideas are developed in dialogue with IASPIS. Collaborative projects are intended to be a complement to scholarships and grants given to individual practitioners and aim to promote the development of new initiatives around Sweden.
The purpose of international collaborative projects in Sweden is to promote international exchanges in the field of visual and applied arts. They can include everything from public events and workshops with international guests to the development of residency activities for foreign practitioners.
A condition for IASPIS to support its collaborative projects is that other party/parties also participate in the funding. Furthermore the contributions made should add value for Sweden-based practitioners in the field of visual and applied arts.
Proposals submitted to IASPIS are reviewed and assessed by the team and presented to the Head of Departement. Decisions are then made by the Head of Department or the Director of the Arts Grants Committee.
If you want to propose one or have questions about an international collaborative project in Sweden, get in touch
Annika Björkman
Head of Regional Collaboration, IASPIS
+46 8-506 550 50 (Opens in a New Window)annika.bjorkman@konstnarsnamnden.se (Opens in a New Window)