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Urgent Pedagogies Issue#8: Worldings

IASPIS is announcing the Urgent Pedagogies Issue #8: Worldings, guest edited by Nishat Awan and Zahra Hussain.

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Urgent Pedagogies Issue#8: Worldings

IASPIS is announcing the Urgent Pedagogies Issue #8: Worldings, guest edited by Nishat Awan and Zahra Hussain.

Worldings presents research and engagement carried out in Gwadar, Pakistan, as part of the long-term project, Topological Atlas. It considers the material effects of infrastructural development and its modes of worlding at different scales and through varied forms of pedagogical engagement. Contributors include Nishat Awan, Zahra Hussain, Asim Rafiqui, Tariq Faiz, Khair Jan and Maciej Moszant.

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