IASPIS Winter-get-together with glögg, presentation of Guest Curator, Valerio Del Baglivo, and announcement of Stora Stipendiet
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- IASPIS Winter-get-together with glögg, presentation of Guest Curator, Valerio Del Baglivo, and announcement of Stora Stipendiet

Photo: Barthélémy Garcia.
Welcome to visit the IASPIS programme and the current artists in residence. The artists keep their doors open to their studios for you to take part of their artistic practise.
16.00–17.00 The studios are open
17.00 IASPIS Guest Curator, Valerio Del Baglivo, introduces his practice (foyer)
17.45 Stora Stipendiet will be handed over by Ann-Sofi Noring, Chairman of the Board for The Visual Arts Fund (foyer)
Participating studio grant holders:
Luigi Coppola
Ellen Dynebrink
Barthélémy Garcia
Linnea Hansander
Zahra Moein
Robertas Narkus
Sara Ouhaddou
Cristina Picchi
Aslı Uludağ
Read more about IASPIS current Studio Grant holders here
Due to new restrictions concerning the spread of Covid 19, the number of visitors is limited. Please RSVP, using the link below.
Sign up to IASPIS-Winter-get-together here
Valerio Del Baglivo is a freelance curator based in Italy. His research focuses on research-based artistic practices engaging with the relations between knowledge production, institutional infrastructures and audience engagement. He is the initiator of long-term projects and platforms that discuss the social and political role of art such as The Institute of Things to Come a multifaceted yearly thematic program that use speculative and fictional arguments to imagine alternatives to the status quo and propose positions of social critique; LOCALES a curatorial platform that commissions new performances to decolonize the cultural heritage of the city of Rome; and Orchestras of Transformation an agency that combines contemporary artistic imagination with new action strategies for achieving the SDG objectives of the 2030 Agenda.
From October 2021 to October 2022 he will be Guest Curator at IASPIS with the aim of supporting the annual residency program and develop the public program. During the evening he will give a talk presenting some of his recent Projects.