Collectively at Fylkingen
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- Collectively at Fylkingen
A forum on the art of thinking, working and living together. Invitation to a public gathering at Fylkingen in Stockholm
Development of Season 2 for The Centre for the Less Good idea, Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo: Stella Olivie
Date: Sunday 26 May 2019
Time: Doors open at 4pm, food* from 7pm
Place: Fylkingen
Address: Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2, Stockholm
Number of participants is limited. Please RSVP to
Come and join Collectively! This public gathering is the final part of a three-day forum that gathers participants coming from the arts and beyond, sensitive to developing new ways of working, thinking and living together. Many have developed specific tools, strategies or languages; they are often motivated by precise social concerns and research interests; through collaboration they articulate specific ethical positions and experiment with alternative forms of practice.
Fylkingen is located at Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2 in Stockholm
Directions: Entrance at Münchenbryggeriet, from Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2 through the arch, accross the parking lot. Subway station Mariatorget, exit Polishuset/Torkel Knutssonsgatan.
*Corean food available (vegan), 100 SEK per serving.
Follow Collectively on social medias: #collectivelyiaspis
Participants: Erik Annerborn, Art Labor, Bigert & Bergström, Brunåkra, Eglė Budvytytė, The Center for the Less Good Idea, Loulou Cherinet, Council, CUSS Group, Anne Davidian, Art Lab Gnesta, Nathalie Gabrielsson, keyon gaskin, Cecilia Gelin, Benji Gerdes, Gideonsson/Londré, Goldin+Senneby, Soledad Gutiérrez, Gudskul, Gylleboverket, Felice Hapetzeder, Sandi Hilal, Laura Huertas Millán, Hyphen, INLAND, IntraGalactic arts collective, Virginija Januškevičiūtė, Martin Guinard-Terrin, Arijana Kajfes, Hanni Kamaly, Alexandra Khazina, Angie Keefer, k.ö.k, La Nocturna, Inga Lāce, My Lindh, Joanna Lombard, Lundahl & Seitl, Alice Máselniková, Raimundas Malašauskas, Mapping the Unjust City, Ana Mendes, Elena Narbutaitė, Robertas Narkus, Stina Pehrsdotter, Public Movement, Vivian Rehberg, Rejmyre Art Lab, Andreas Ribbung, Elham Rokni, Viktorija Rybakova, S!GNAL, Aron Schoug, Smychka, Jenny Soep, Claire Tancons, Hiroko Tsuchimoto, Kathryn Weir, Werker Collective, Knutte Wester, Sofia Wiberg, Hanna Wittrock, WochenKlausur, Giorgiana Zacchia, Rut Karin Zettergren, and IASPIS team.
Collectively is a concept developed by Council and commissioned by IASPIS, curated by Grégory Castéra (co-director of Council, Paris), together with advisors Raimundas Malašauskas (independent curator), Claire Tancons (independent curator, artistic director of the Sharjah Biennial 14) and Kathryn Weir (director and chief curator of the Cosmopolis platform, Centre Pompidou, Paris and Chengdu). Design Stefan Engblom and Aron Kullander-Östling, text documentation Frida Sandström, photography Jean-Baptiste Béranger. Organized by IASPIS/the Swedish Arts Grants Committee in collaboration with Fylkingen and with support from Lithuanian Culture Institute and Spanish Embassy in Stockholm. Council is supported by the Foundation for Arts Initiatives.
IASPIS is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme supporting international exchange for practitioners in the areas of visual art, design, craft and architecture. Iaspis’ activities aim to enable professionals to develop artistically and improve their working conditions by establishing international contacts between practitioners and professionals such as curators and critics and others active in the field.
Council assembles artists, researchers and members of the civil society to foster better understandings of societal issues. Council’s curatorial programme is based on long-term ‘inquiries’ which generate exhibitions, events, publications and the production of artworks. With the fellowship programme AFIELD, Council also gather and support an international network of artists and cultural producers who initiate sustainable social initiatives across the world. Council believes in the transformative potential of the arts and works towards extending its influence across other domains.
Read more about Collectively here